Journal papersConference papers
PUSKELY, J.; POKORNÝ, M.; LÁČÍK, J.; RAIDA, Z. Wearable Disc- like Antenna for Body Centric Communications at 61 GHz. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2014, vol. 13, no. 4, p. 158-161. ISSN: 1536- 1225.
MIKULÁŠEK, T.; LÁČÍK, J. Two feeding methods based on substrate integrated waveguide for microstrip patch antennas. IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, 2014, vol. 9, no. 14, p. 1-8. ISSN: 1751- 8725.
LÁČÍK, J.; MIKULÁŠEK, T.; RAIDA, Z.; URBANEC, T. Substrate integrated waveguide monopolar ring- slot antenna. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2014, vol. 56, no. 8, p. 1865-1869. ISSN: 0895- 2477.
MIKULÁŠEK, T.; GEORGIADIS, A.; COLLADO, A.; LÁČÍK, J. 2x2 Microstrip Patch Antenna Array Fed by Substrate Integrated Waveguide for Radar Applications. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2013, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 1287-1290. ISSN: 1536- 1225.
LÁČÍK, J. Circularly Polarized SIW Square Ring-Slot Antenna for X- Band Applications. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2012, vol. 54, no. 11, p. 2590-2594. ISSN: 0895- 2477.
LÁČÍK, J.; MIKULÁŠEK, T.; PUSKELY, J.; RAIDA, Z.; WOLANSKÝ, D. Compact arrays fed by substrate integrated waveguides. In Proceedings of ICEAA 2014. 1. Aruba: Polytecnico di Torino, 2014. p. 448-451. ISBN: 978-1-4673-5690- 9.
PUSKELY, J.; RAIDA, Z.; LÁČÍK, J.; POKORNÝ, M. Antenna Implementable into Button for On- Body Communications at 61 GHz. In Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2014. 2014. p. 1739-1743. ISBN: 978-88-907018-4- 9.
MIKULÁŠEK, T.; PUSKELY, J.; LÁČÍK, J. Design of radome- covered substrate integrated waveguide slot antenna array. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2013. Gothenburg (Sweden): 2013. p. 1391-1395. ISBN: 978-88-907018-1- 8.
LÁČÍK, J.; MIKULÁŠEK, T. Circular Ring- Slot Antenna Fed by SIW for WBAN Applications. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2013. Gothenburg: 2013. p. 205-208. ISBN: 978-88-907018-1- 8.
HEBELKA, V.; LÁČÍK, J.; PÍTRA, K.; RAIDA, Z. Slot antennas for on- body communication. In ICECom 2013 Proceedings. Dubrovnik: Korema, 2013. p. 1-6. ISBN: 978-953-6037-66- 7.
MIKULÁŠEK, T.; LÁČÍK, J. Circularly Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna Fed by Substrate Integrated Waveguide. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2012. Prague, Czech Republic: 2012. p. 2380-2383. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0919- 7.