
RETIA, a.s

RETIA, a.s. was founded in Pardubice in 1993 so that we can trot out with more than 18 years of tradition, which is unique and rare within Czech context. The current development program is engaged in special electronics and divided into 3 programs. The first is Radar Systems and Weapon System Electronics Development (including modernization) for military forces in miscellaneous countries. The second part of the programme is the ReDat Systems , complex solution for voice/data recording and quality management. And finally, the Localization Systems – a set of instruments for detection as well as the localization of persons occurred in urban or broken areas.

RETIA, a.s. is one of the leading Czech companies in the field of military electronics, weapon system modernization and radar technology, development of C4I systems and software equipment. RETIA has attained a dominating position on the market of recording systems for call centres, contact centres and telecommunication operators in Czech as well as in Slovakia and has become a significant all-European supplier.

RETIA offers complex services at a high professional level. The company produces functional demonstrators, prototypes, serial products and also installs all the above-mentioned equipment. RETIA provides advisory and design services as well as training of operating personnel and both in-warranty and after-warranty services.

SIX center cooperation

RETIA, a.s. cooperates with the VUT FEKT University in the research and development of tools for the detection emotional parameters in the speech. RETIA, a.s. and VUT FEKT are the investigators of the MPO project “Advanced speech analyses technology for call centres and security services”. The project aims are to create a new advanced speech analysis technology for ReDat recording systems, which will be based on a comprehensive multilingual analysis of the audio records.


CompanyRETIA, a.s
AddressPražská 341, Zelené předměstí, 530 02 Pardubice, Czech Republic

Contact person

NameIng. Vilém Pantůček
Phone+420 466 852 260
ProfileVilem Pantucek is a Head of the Project Department, focused on ReDat recording systems. He has joined in solving many system development and research projects in the field of special electronics and recording system technology since the early development of ReDat systems in RETIA, a.s. He is the author of many technical solutions and innovations of the ReDat recording systems such as video, audio recording, PC screens recording, etc. He graduated from ČVUT FEL University. After he graduated, he worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Technology at the ČVUT FEL University for two years. Then he was employed in Tesla Pardubice, where he contributed in the development of imaging radar systems. Since 1993 he has worked in RETIA, a.s.