Logic analyzer

TypeAgilent 16901A
Responsibleprof. Ing. Kamil VRBA, CSc.

The logic analyzer has these parameters:

-Up to 136 simultaneous logic channels, including 8 clock inputs (two Agilent 16962A acquisition cards are installed in the analyzer).
-All channels support both differential and single-ended mode.
-32 Mpts of memory per channel.
-Sampling frequency up to 2 GSa/s when all 136 channels are active.
-When only 34 channels are active, the maximum sampling frequency increases up to 8 GSa/s.
-Support of all standard logic levels, including user-defined ones.
-Independent phase correction (elimination of delays on printed circuit borads etc.) on all channels.
-Fully programmable trigerring conditions, including pattern trigger.
-Supports decoding of most standard buses (SPI, I2C, RS-232 etc.), including user-defined decoding programs (the analyzer has Agilent B4641A Protocol Analysis Development software installed).
-Supports almost arbitrary chaining of decoding blocks.

A selection of clips and probes is available to connect the analyzer to the target logic circuits:

-Agilent E5381A 17-channel universal differential probes (0,9 pF input capacitance, usable up to 1.5 Gbps). Suitable for IC packages with lead pitch from 0,8 to 2,54 mm.
-Agilent E5382A 17-channel universal single-ended probes (1,3 pF input capacitance, usable up to 1.5 Gbps). Suitable for IC packages with lead pitch from 0,8 to 2,54 mm.
-Mechano Electronic FP-2CL-10 universal micro grabbers. Suitable for IC packages with lead pitch from 0,3 to 1,27 mm.
-Agilent E5346A single-ended 38-pin Mictor probe.